I found myself amongst my mother’s jewelry after she passed from Covid. It was tucked far away in the box. I sat for a long time staring at this child. That smile before the world touched her in less than...
I begged many times to be released from the suffering. Each time, it dropped me to my knees for decades. I was begging to the wrong person. One day I looked in the mirror and asked with mercy to be...
May we raise childrenwho love the unloved things – the dandelion, the worms & spiderlings.Children who sense the rose needs the thorn& run into rainswept daysthe same way they turn towards sun… And when they’re grown &someone has to speak for those who have no...
Written from words in a dream at 4:23am Please do not ask me to change for you. It cannot be done. I cannot be undone. I was already taken into the undone while ‘in the more’ I nakedly share. I...
Sometimes in life we have to do what doesn’t look like love, in order to truly love ourselves. We have to love our bodies enough to keep going after they have taken so many hits. This time when the injection...
“Be patient, let yourself grieve. Grieving is a purgation. After it, great joy will visit you, a joy that has no pain, that is a thornless rose, a wine that leaves no headache.” https://thelovinggarden.com/
Oops, I did it again! For over 30 years I bought myself flowers. Whenever I felt alone, on many special occasions, I bought myself flowers. I didn’t really know until a few years ago why I was doing it. I...