(I recently came upon this wonderful passage by Rumi and it made my heart smile. Sharing the smile of Love’s Truth.)
Wherever you may be, in whatever situation or circumstance you may find yourself, strive always to be a lover, and a passionate lover. Once you possess your heart in love, you will always be a lover, in the tomb, at the Resurrection, and in Paradise forever and ever.
Sow wheat and wheat will grow; wheat will flourish in the fields, and bread will glow in the oven.
My translation: Being a lover is about being Love in every area of one’s life. Not just intimate moments, but being that essence all the time.
Even in the darkness, love is there, we can rise in it and be it forever when it comes from our hearts without attachment to getting something back. That is a true lover. Just love.
And we shall sow flower seeds of Love in The Loving Garden and Love will flourish just like the wheat and the bread of Rumi’s metaphoric words.
Bloom Love On…
-Mother Love