This moment, staying in a tent on top of a mountain in Malibu amongst the ashes from my friend's property burnt to the ground from the wildfires in California. I was up there with her dragging all the paperwork of 2020 around with me between my life and my mother's. One of the packages I had been carrying around for a while, I finally opened just to lighten my load, my heaviness of the compounding grief. Nothing good was in so many documents and stacks of bills and mail left ignored in my tears.
And I opened the big package only to discover my soul purpose was waiting for me to unwrap the box, to open it and let it breathe - and when I did- I set it’s contents free - The Loving Garden approved and official binder was waiting impatiently in the dark box to get into the sunlight to be nurtured and bloom. With grief tears turning to elated tears and a saving grace like no other - I forced myself to rise from the ashes of my life like the ashes on the burnt ground I was sitting upon - I had to in order to rise and bloom the loving garden from the very same feelings so many others are lost in - If I didn’t get up I couldn’t bloom love for others. It had to start with me before I could ever give it to others. From the depths of nothingness where I found everything...Self love. So I rose in the love that I AM - did it for myself so I could do it for all and show them the way back to their truth of who they are - LOVE. I found my way back, crawling through and rising from the ashes, but I did it. And you can too. Come bloom with me...