In this year of grief and suffering- many more battles were waged- by mercy I am still here – from Love and grief I created The Loving Garden. It had been 10 years sitting in my heart, created from the loss of my child – and it waited for me to honor it. In the grief of 2020, I could hear my mother telling me it is time to sow the Garden. While handling her affairs, traveling across the country during a deadly pandemic, and navigating the ineffable actions and behaviors of others- I began the development of the Garden- it is what kept me going, what kept me alive many times I didn’t think I could stay in any more pain. I channeled my compounded grief and unrequited love for my son, my mother-all my loves who went Home too soon- there are many. And most of all, I sowed The Loving Garden in the firm belief and conviction that Love is our strength, our healer, the very essence we are created from, and that Love is the ultimate peace we seek and are meant to live from.
I cursed the depth of my grief until I used it for good – and from the unending compounding grief- love bloomed – from the darkness of the soil emerged the light of Truth- of beauty – of Love. By honoring both – I had a choice that I would allow to lead – I chose Love – and by doing so – I chose to help others know the Truth about Love and what love can do. And this is why The Loving Garden is here for all – anytime – to know their love and grief are honored – love will help heal by blooming it on – and that love is never the wrong choice in which to let your life be leased wrong.
Thank you, mom- for all we didn’t have and didn’t do and I didn’t get while you were here, what I did ultimately receive by your letting go – was the Love I always sought and waited for. I was waiting for myself to give myself permission to Love me as much as I loved others. Thank you. And thank you for helping The Loving Garden finally come to life and bloom love on for all to help each other in the honor of Love.
I love you eternal, Mom.

I love you eternal, Mom.